Domestic Violence
Domestic violence – or DV – is a widespread problem in California, affecting about 40 percent of women at least once. Many men are also victims, but they are less likely to report.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of acts of DV go unreported, while many of these acts occur in households with minor children. Acts of domestic violence not only cause physical injuries but can also leave emotional scars on affected women and their children who witness these disgraceful acts.
According to Psychology Today, the psychological effects of exposure to domestic violence include shame, habitual lying, the fear of harm or abandonment, excessive sadness, poor judgment, and many more.
If you were abused by your spouse or partner or are being accused of domestic violence, contact a Los Angeles County domestic violence attorney Candace Jones. You need to protect your rights regardless of whether you face false accusations of domestic violence or you were a victim of physical, verbal, or sexual abuse.
Causing physical harm is not the only form of domestic violence, though it remains one of the most common and dangerous examples of DV. Other examples of domestic violence include:
Other physical attacks
Name-calling or belittling
Controlling finances
Forcing sexual acts
Annoying phone calls
Verbal abuse
Social abuse
Sexual abuse
Domestic abuse is considered a crime in California. In addition to facing criminal charges for DV, the abuser may end up defending himself against his victim in civil litigation.
Victims of domestic violence have the right to pursue financial compensation from their abuser. A victim can request to recover certain fees and costs caused by assault, stalking, sexual battery, battery, or intentional infliction of emotional distress.
A victim of domestic violence can pursue a restraining order by filing a complaint with the court. These restraining orders are often the only way for a victim of DV to protect herself or himself from potential harm in the future.
When a restraining order is issued, the alleged abuser is prohibited from contacting or going anywhere near the victim. The alleged abuser may face criminal charges for violating the terms of the restraining order.
A restraining order can be issued not only after acts of physical abuse but also as a result of annoying phone calls or unwanted texting. “This is what I like to call texting wars,” says Candace Jones in her vlog named “The Perils of the Restraining Order.”
“It occurs when you are fighting on social media or through texts, and it goes back and forth. And because it’s texting and not in person, you may feel free to say the things you may not say to somebody in person, and you make threats… And then these things are printed out and shown to the court,” says Jones. “Then, depending on the history of the relationship and the nature of the conversation, it may be grounds for a restraining order.”
It can and probably will. Although California is a no-fault state and you can get a divorce without having to prove that you were subject to abuse during your marriage, acts of domestic violence can affect other integral aspects of your family law case such as child custody and alimony.
Examples of Domestic Violence
Legal Consequences of Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence
Restraining Order
Will Domestic Violence Affect Your Family Law Case?
A Los Angeles County domestic violence attorney can do an excellent job at handling a divorce involving allegations of domestic violence to help you secure the most favorable outcome. Moreover, an attorney can shield you from the other party’s anger or manipulations during the proceedings.
Contact Candace Jones to get a free consultation about your case. Call at 800-419-4171.